George Wan

I am a


Hi and welcome to my website! I'm George, a Software Engineering student at the University of Waterloo and a full stack engineer. My current focus is full stack development with particular interest in backend development and machine learning. Find out more about my past experiences and projects below!


Software Engineer @ Newfront

May 2024 - Aug 2024

San Francisco, USA

  • Developed an insurance policy cancellation system with enhanced efficiency in Next.js and Node.js for 800+ insurance brokers
  • Enhanced tRPC API services in Nest.js with bulk PostgreSQL queries, improving server response times by 250%
  • Migrated legacy data using Hightouch, increasing case management efficiency by 30% and user satisfaction by 50%
  • Coordinated and completed the engineering, testing, migration, and deployment work 2 weeks ahead of schedule

Software Engineer @ Deephaven Data Labs

Sep 2023 - Dec 2023

New York, USA

  • Engineered high-performance interactive interfaces in TypeScript, React, and Redux to allow for analysis of real-time partitioned data from Parquet files and Kafka streams used by 50+ Fortune 500 companies
  • Implemented gRPC API services in GWT to facilitate transpilation of Go, Python, C++, and SQL data operations to Java
  • Eliminated 80% of uncaught errors in a Groovy query engine through data validation and exception handling
  • Fixed flaky Jest unit tests and automated end-to-end Playwright tests, increasing code coverage and reliability by 20%

Software Developer @ NielsenIQ

Jan 2023 - Apr 2023

Toronto, Canada

  • Built data visualization dashboards for 135+ Tier 1 companies using custom JavaScript components and Ruby on Rails with Redis, leading to $2 million in annual incremental profit
  • Improved data granularity by modifying PostgreSQL queries in Python microservices, leading to a data resolution increase that supports analysis of individual store performance for client retail companies
  • Optimized JavaScript code and SQL queries, resulting in a 5x reduction in dashboard load time
  • Deployed SEV-1 emergency hotfixes to production while maintaining top 5 sprint velocity on the team
  • Orchestrated SDLC by translating business requirements into technical specifications for sprints

Full Stack Developer @ TD Bank

May 2022 - Aug 2022

Toronto, Canada

  • Created a new React user interface allowing hundreds of clients to trade new custom securities by using customer-entered information to calculate metrics to add into a Microsoft SQL database
  • Developed Python scripts and SQL queries managed with Celery to parse financial data, analyze portfolio performance, and summarize over 50 financial metrics for customers in an Excel spreadsheet
  • Reduced bugs in React Redux apps by 80% through modularizing deprecated JavaScript code
  • Verified quality of changes by running dozens of debugging tests on a Python app server in a Linux VM
  • Authored documentation of new features and changes to workflow on JIRA and Confluence


University of Waterloo

Waterloo, ON, Canada

  • Current Term: 3B
  • Degree/Major: Bachelor of Software Engineering
  • Minor: Combinatorics and Optimization
  • GPA: 4.0/4.0
  • Expected Graduation: May 2026
  • Honours: Dean's Honours List
  • Degree Specialization: Artificial Intelligence
  • Average: 93%

National University of Singapore

Singapore, Singapore

  • Date Attended: January – May 2024
  • Faculty: Engineering and Computing
  • Program: International Exchange Student
  • GPA: 4.5/5.0


  • All
  • TypeScript/JavaScript
  • Websites
  • Python
  • AI


TypeScript browser extension that saves and edits images using Stable Diffusion and inpainting



Robotic pet that uses OpenCV to follow its owner and voice2json to process voice commands simultaneously through multithreading



JavaScript browser extension that manages user focus by blocking a customizable list of websites

Personal Website

Personal Website

This is the website that you are currently viewing



Open Source Facebook Messenger Bot in Python created using fbchat API



Tensorflow image classification model trained using Keras on around 5,000 images and accompanying iOS app which allows users to use the model with their own pictures



Python tool that periodically scrapes RSS feeds and posts new articles to Reddit using the PRAW API



Flask website that leverages AssemblyAI's speech recognition API to find the best recipes given available ingredients

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis results of tweets relating to the COVID-19 pandemic organized using Python Pandas





Ruby on Rails











+1 778 323 2687
